Olympijské hry 2020 - hádzaná - ženy

Olympijské hry 2020 - hádzaná - ženy


The women's handball tournament at the 2020 Summer Olympics was the 12th edition of the handball event for women at the Summer Olympic Games. It was held from 25 July to 8 August 2021. All games were played at the Yoyogi National Stadium in Tokyo, Japan.

It was originally scheduled to be held in 2020, but on 24 March 2020, the Olympics were postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this pandemic, the games were played behind closed doors.

The final was a rematch of the previous between France and Russia. After Russia won 22–19 in the 2016 final France got the upper hand with a 30–25 win this time. Norway won the bronze medal after winning 36–19 against Sweden. France became the first nation since 1984 to win both the men's and women's tournaments

The medals for the competition were presented by Kristin Kloster Aasen, Norway; IOC Member, and the medalists' bouquets were presented by Anna Rapp, Sweden; IHF Treasurer.

Olympijské hry 2020 - hádzaná žien je vrcholným medzinárodným hádzanárskym turnajom žien, ktorý sa koná v rámci letných olympijských hier každých štyri roky. Turnaj sa bude konať od 24. júla do 8. augusta 2020 v hale Yoyogi National Gymnasium v Tokiu v Japonsku. Bude to 12. vydanie olympijského turnaja žien v hádzanej. Na turnaji sa zúčastní dvanásť tímov, ktoré budú rozdelené do dvoch skupín po šiestich tímoch. Do štvrťfinále postúpia štyri najlepšie tímy z každej skupiny. Turnaj vyvrcholí záverečnými zápasmi 8. augusta 2020.