Česká republika - 3. liga

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The Moravian-Silesian Football League (MSFL) (Czech: Moravskoslezská fotbalová liga) is one of the third level football leagues in the Czech Republic (the other is the Bohemian Football League) headquartered in Olomouc. The league comprises teams from the historic regions of Moravia and Silesia and partially also Bohemia.

The league was formed in 1991 during the Czechoslovakia era, replacing the former II.ČNL (II. Česká národni liga; Second Czech National League) at the third tier of Czechoslovak football alongside sister league ČFL.

The winner of MSFL is promoted to the Czech National Football League. Three clubs are promoted to the MSFL - the winners of Divize D, E and F of the Czech Fourth Division.

Česká republika - 3. liga (česky ČFL) je treťou najvyššou futbalovou súťažou v Česku. ČFL vznikla v roku 1991 a hrá sa v nej 16 tímov. Víťaz ČFL postupuje do 2. ligy, zatiaľ čo posledné dva tímy zostupujú do divízie.