Austrália - NBL1 - Centrálna divízia

Austrália - NBL1 - Centrálna divízia

NBL1 Wikipedia

Wikipedia - NBL1 Central

NBL1 Central, formerly the Premier League, is a semi-professional basketball league in South Australia, comprising both a men's and women's competition. In 2020, Basketball South Australia partnered with the National Basketball League (NBL) to bring NBL1 to South Australia. NBL1 replaced the former Premier League to create more professional pathways and opportunities for males and females playing basketball in South Australia. As a result, the Premier League became the central conference of NBL1.


The South Australian Metropolitan Basketball Association was founded in 1936. All games were played at Duncan Buildings, Franklin Street, Adelaide, with 16 teams competing. After World War II, basketball resumed at the Our Boys Institute in the city and at suburban drill halls, with 27 teams. In 1951, the District Association was formed, and by 1954, there were 57 teams competing in all grades. The first official State League season was in 1957.

In 1998, the SA State League joined the Continental Basketball Association (CBA) as the association's Central Conference, with the CBA being rebranded as the Australian Basketball Association (ABA) the following year. The Central Australian Basketball League (Central ABL) name was in place until 2014. The league was rebranded in 2015 and renamed Premier League.

In February 2020, Basketball South Australia and the National Basketball League (NBL) announced a new partnership to bring NBL1 to South Australia, with the Premier League being renamed NBL1 Central and becoming the central conference of the NBL1. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 season was cancelled.

Austrália - NBL1 - Centrálne oddelenie

Austrália NBL1 je najvyššia profesionálna basketbalová liga v Austrálii pre mužov a ženy. Centrálne oddelenie je jednou zo štyroch divízií ligy a zahŕňa tímy z Nového Južného Walesu, Austrálskeho hlavného mesta a Tasmánie.

Liga sa hrá formou pravidelnej sezóny a play-off. Pravidelná sezóna trvá od marca do augusta a každý tím odohrá 28 zápasov. Osem najlepších tímov z každej divízie postúpi do play-off, ktoré sa hrajú vyraďovacím spôsobom. Víťaz play-off je vyhlásený za majstra NBL1.

Centrálne oddelenie je jedným z najkonkurencieschopnejších v lige a v nedávnej minulosti v ňom dominovali tímy z Nového Južného Walesu. V sezóne 2022 vyhrali Centrálne oddelenie Newcastle Hunters, ktorí v grandfinále porazili Canberru Gunners.

NBL1 je vzrušujúca a akčná liga, ktorá ponúka fanúšikom špičkový basketbal. Centrálne oddelenie je známe svojou intenzitou a súťaživosťou, čo z neho robí jednu z najzaujímavejších divízií v lige.